Société Trading de l'Océan Indiensince 1997

Our products



Navy beans

Lima beans

Hybrid Rice

Fertilizer / Taroka

Clous de Girofle Entiers

Madagascar vanilla is a culinary treasure derived from the precious orchid Vanilla planifolia, grown in the fertile lands of Madagascar. Renowned for its enchanting aroma and exquisite flavor, this vanilla is celebrated worldwide.

The litchis are hand-harvested at maturity, guaranteeing juicy and sweet flesh. Cultivated in the sunny regions of Madagascar, these litchis offer an exotic flavor and delicate texture, making them an unparalleled taste experience.

Known as "Navy Beans" (Phaseolus vulgaris), these beans are characterized by their smooth skin, uniform shape, and creamy texture. The Lingot Blanc is valued for its delicate flavor and culinary versatility.

These peas, also known as "Kabaro" (Vigna unguiculata), are prized for their delicate flavor, tender texture, and nutritional value. Harvested at maturity, our Cape peas are carefully selected to ensure their superior quality.

Le riz hybride est une variété croisée de riz sauvage et de riz cultivé. En collaboration avec le gouvernement chinois, le riz hybride a été introduit et testé à Madagascar en 2007 …

Taroka Fertilizer is a high-quality organic product designed to meet the needs of both conventional and organic agriculture, in accordance with EC Regulation 834/2007. Its organic composition enables natural plant nutrition, promoting abundant and superior-quality harvests.

Le Clous de Girofle Entiers Madagascar réputée pour ses vertus thérapeutiques, la fleur de girofle se présente sous la forme d’un bouton floral entouré de 4 sépales.

Immeuble L’Arboretum
Village des Jeux Ankorondrano – BP : 8582
Antananarivo 101 – Madagascar

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