Société Trading de l'Océan Indiensince 1997

Resources and Brand

This page is specifically designed for our partners and collaborators who wish to use or represent our brand consistently and professionally. Here, you will find all the necessary elements to download our official logos, access our complete brand guidelines, review the rules for using our brand, and download our product sheets. Our goal is to provide you with the essential tools and information for optimal utilization of our brand and resources while maintaining the integrity and quality of our visual identity.


Here, you will find various versions of our logo, including horizontal, vertical, with or without a slogan. Download the files in vector format (SVG) and common image formats (PNG, JPEG) for web and print use. We also provide detailed usage instructions, including safety margins and modification restrictions.

Stoi Madagascar Logo
Standard Color Logo: This is the most commonly used logo to represent our brand. It features our logo in full color, capturing the essence of our brand identity.

Light Variation for Dark Background Logo: Used when the logo needs to be displayed on a dark background to ensure optimal visibility. This variation of our standard logo is specifically designed to maintain clarity and legibility on dark backgrounds.

Black Logo for Very Light Background: Used when the background is very light to maintain good contrast.

Fully White Logo for Dark Background: Used on very dark backgrounds to ensure optimal visibility.

Standard Square Logo: Used in specific situations where a standard square logo is required.

Standard Square Logo: Used in specific situations where a standard square logo is required.

Use our "stoi" symbol in situations where a more abstract representation of our brand is appropriate. This symbol can be used independently, in addition to the main logo, or as a decorative element in graphic designs. It represents the essence of our brand and can be utilized to enhance the visual recognition of our company. Please ensure consistent usage of the "stoi" symbol in alignment with our overall visual identity to maintain brand consistency.

Logo stoi madagascar

Download the Editable SVG Format: If you require our logo for large-scale printing or custom modifications, we provide the editable SVG format. The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format allows you to resize the logo to any size without loss of quality and modify the elements according to your specific needs. Download this format for projects such as posters, banners, or advertising materials where high resolution and design flexibility are necessary. Please ensure you have software compatible with the SVG format to make the desired modifications.

The file is available in ZIP format, which you can extract using compression software such as 7-Zip. If you don't have 7-Zip, you can download it for free from the following link: [Insert the appropriate link for downloading 7-Zip]. Once you have the software installed, you can extract the ZIP file to access the editable SVG format of our logo.Download 7-Zip]


Our brand fonts
  • Outfit: Our main typeface is Outfit. It adds a modern and elegant touch to our visual identity. Use Outfit in most cases to represent our brand. You can download the Outfit font from Google Fonts by following this link: Download Outfit.
  • Roboto: In the event that the Outfit font is unavailable, we use Roboto as a substitute font. Roboto is a versatile and legible font that maintains readability in various situations. You can download the Roboto font from Google Fonts by following this link: [Insert the appropriate link to download the Roboto font from Google Fonts]. Incorporate this font as an alternative to maintain consistent and readable typography in your designs. Download Roboto.

Outfit :

Lettres : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lettres minuscules : a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Chiffres : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Caractères spéciaux : ! @ # $ % & * ( ) – + = [ ] { } | \ / : ;  » ‘ , . ? < >

Outfit bold :

Lettres : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lettres minuscules : a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Chiffres : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Caractères spéciaux : ! @ # $ % & * ( ) – + = [ ] { } | \ / : ;  » ‘ , . ? < >

The Spirit of Our Company

Our commitment to sustainability and organic products.

Discover the spirit that drives our company and our commitment to sustainability in Madagascar. We take pride in offering fully organic products that are cultivated with care and environmental consciousness. Learn more about our ecological approach and initiatives aimed at preserving biodiversity. We believe in sustainable practices that promote the well-being of local communities and the protection of our precious natural resources.

Contacts et support

If you have any questions or need support regarding the usage of our brand resources, you will find clear contact information here. We provide expected response times and preferred communication methods, such as a dedicated email address or a contact form. Please feel free to reach out to us for any assistance you may require.

Immeuble L’Arboretum
Village des Jeux Ankorondrano – BP : 8582
Antananarivo 101 – Madagascar

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